Physical Activity of Students

Volume 13, Issue 1 (2023)

Physical Activity of Students
Dušan Stupar, Igor Beretić, Bojan Međedović

Research has shown and constantly confirms the fact that people are less and less physically active due to rapid
technological development, which has a direct consequence of an increased risk of developing various diseases, especially
non-infectious chronic ones. Reduced levels of physical activities were equally observed, both in children and young people
and in adults. The aim of the work is to point out the problems that arise due to the physical inactivity of the student population
and point out possible solutions that can be applied in practice. To some extent, the education system in the Republic
of Serbia, which abolished regular physical education classes at universities, contributed to this, which worsened the situation
even more. Some faculties include sports and recreational activities in their curricula and teaching plans. The conclusion
is that there are examples of good practices and solutions that promote the physical activity of students, but everyone
should be involved, starting from state institutions, clubs, and associations, and all the way to the family.

movement, physical activity, students
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