The Influence of SCP-B-T (Standing Cable Pullover-Bench Press-Torso) Training on Spear-Throwing Ability on Prospective Spear-Throwing Athletes

Volume 14, Issue 1 (2024)

The Influence of SCP-B-T (Standing Cable Pullover-Bench Press-Torso) Training on Spear-Throwing Ability on Prospective Spear-Throwing Athletes
Andi Atssam Mappanyukki, Sumaryanto, Erwin Setyo Kriswanto, Yudik Prasetyo, Nur Indah Atifah Anwar, Susanto
The rapid development of javelin throwing sport, it is necessary to improve the ability of athletes, this problem is a competitive demand. This study is to determine the effect of a specific training programme in this case is SCP-B-T training on improving the javelin throwing ability of prospective athletes. The sample in this study were prospective athletes at the South Sulawesi Sports Excellence High School specialising in javelin throwing, totalling 24 people. The research design used is true experiment, with purposive sampling technique. The experiment was given treatment for four weeks, consisting of two groups, namely the group given the SCP-B-T training programme and the control group. The SCP-B-T exercise programme treatment group used the Standing Cable Pullover-Bench Press-Torso tool, frequency 3 times per week, intensity 40-60%, reps 10-20, rest 60 seconds. To measure the level of improvement of the treatment given, we conducted a pre-test and post-test on both experimental groups. The study showed that the group given treatment in the form of the SCP-B-T training programme had a significant effect compared to the conventional training programme to improve the javelin throwing ability of prospective athletes. SCP-B-T training is very influential in improving the ability of prospective javelin throwing athletes.
Experiment, Jevelin Throwing, SCP-B-T Training program
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