The Influence of Physical Activity on the Level of Anxiety in Female Students

Volume 14, Issue 2 (2024)

The Influence of Physical Activity on the Level of Anxiety in Female Students
Dušan Stupar, Igor Beretić, Milan Nešić
To examine the impact of physical activity (FA) on students’ mental health, primarily on the manifestation of anxiety symptoms (DAS), a study was conducted on 116 females, aged, 21,37 ± 5.70 years. All respondents are undergraduate students of the Faculty of Sport and Psychology, TIMS, from Novi Sad, Serbia. For the purposes of this research, two measuring instruments were used, (DASS-21) and (GSLTPAK). The first of them is a shortened version of the scale of Depression, Anxiety and Stress, and the second is a short form of Godin’s free time exercises. Analyzing the obtained results, it was possible to determine a significant negative correlation of light physical activity with the level of anxiety (r = -0.379, p = 0.000), but intense physical activity also showed a statistically significant correlation (r = -0.257, p = 0.024). Unlike them, moderate physical activity did not exhibit a statistically significant correlation (r=-0.122, p=0.121). Using multiple regression analysis, it was determined that light physical activity is a statistically significant predictor of anxiety level (Unstd.Beta=-0623, p=0.000), and in that case the model explains 22.1% (R2adjust=0.221). The obtained results coincide with previous research that confirms the positive effects of physical activity on mental health. In this sense, the application of light physical activity can contribute to reducing anxiety among students.
physical activity, mental health, anxiety, female students
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