Effects of the high-low aerobics programme on Morphological characteristics and functional abilities of eighth grade pupils of primary school

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2011)

Effects of the high-low aerobics programme on Morphological characteristics and functional abilities of eighth grade pupils of primary school
Sanja Mandarić, Aleksandra Sibinović, Milena Mikalački, Stanimir Stojiljković
The study aimed to determine the effects of programmed high-low aerobics on morphological characteristics and functional abilities of female eighth graders. The research was done on a sample of 31 students, eighth graders of “Vožd Karađorđe" primary school in Leskovac, which were divided into two groups: experimental (N = 16) and control (N = 15). The experimental factor was the specifically programmed teaching of high-low aerobics, which lasted eight weeks and implemented within the regular physical education classes. The control group attended a programme prescribed by the Curriculum, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia. The effects of high-low aerobics were monitored in both areas: morphologic characteristics (eight variables) and in the area of functional abilities (one variable). The results showed that the high-low aerobics programme influenced on the improvement of the morphological characteristics and functional abilities of the students, compared to those in the control group. The obtained results show positive effects of high-low aerobics on preserving the proper growth and development of children.
physical education, morphological characteristics, functional ability, "high-low" aerobics
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