Effectiveness of Shadow Training Using Badminton Steps Application in Increasing Footwork Agility on Badminton Athlete

Volume 13, Issue 1 (2023)

Effectiveness of Shadow Training Using Badminton Steps Application in Increasing Footwork Agility on Badminton Athlete
Fadli Ihsan, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Rina Yuniana

The purpose of this study was to see how the effect of shadow training using the badminton step application on
footwork agility. This research is experimental design. Research data collection was carried out by obtaining pre-test and
post-test data with a sample of 10 athletes during the experimental study which was held at the UNJA Jambi Sports building.
PB member. UNJA sampled in this study were over ten years old. Tohar’s proposed 30-second leg exercise was used as
an instrument in this investigation with a validity of 0.706 and reliability of 0.808. Data were analyzed quantitatively using
normality and homogeneity tests and t-tests for hypothesis testing. Based on the results of the t-test, the researcher believes
that giving shadow exercises using the badminton step application can make a good contribution because using the badminton
step application can give orders to athletes during shadow training stably. The results showed that shadow training
with badminton tank steps had an effect on footwork agility. Furthermore, the findings of the paired sample t-test on the
pre-test and post-test data resulted in a value at -9000 with a significant (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, supporting this conclusion.
So based on the data obtained T-count is -9000 and has a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. It can be concluded that
shadow training with badminton has an effect on an athlete’s footwork agility. Therefore, it can be concluded that shadow
training affects the application of the badminton steps on footwork. There is a significant influence in increasing footwork
agility using shadow exercises with the application of badminton steps. Based on the results of the t-test, the researcher
believes that giving shadow exercises using the badminton step application can make a good contribution because using
the badminton step application can give orders to athletes during shadow training stably.

training, shadow, badminton, steps application, agility
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