Analysis of Roll Spike Techniques in Sepak Takraw Players Reviewed Based on Sport Biomechanics
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2024)
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2024)
Analysis of Roll Spike Techniques in Sepak Takraw Players Reviewed Based on Sport Biomechanics
Roll spike is a common competitive offensive technique in sepak takraw. Of course, biomechanical analysis is
required to achieve effective and efficient results. However, this has not received specific emphasis in the studies conducted.
Aside from that, no biomechanical analysis of roll spikes has been conducted on the training ground. The aims of this research
are as follows: (1) to examine the factors that influence the success of the roll spike technique, and (2) to determine
the effectiveness and efficiency of the movement. The research used a quantitative survey with four male participants of
sepak takraw players on the right flank position. The research instruments included a vertical jump, height and weight
measurements, and an anthropometer. The data analysis technique was quantitative descriptive analysis, using the formula
ω = Vr / r and observations with Kinovea. The findings in this research revealed that body height, leg length, leg power,
foot kick angle, and ball impact angle in the air all have an effect on the roll spike technique. The roll spike was executed
effectively and efficiently, including the preparatory phase, jumping, foot contact with the ball in the air, and landing. It was
determined that anthropometry, biomotor factors, and the proper stages in performing the roll spike technique all affected
how it performed. This study has the potential to provide information and evaluation material for sepak takraw coaches
looking to improve the performance of their athletes. Despite the limitation of relatively small samples, the application
employed remains straightforward. Future studies should investigate larger samples and more advanced applications to
acquire comprehensive results.
Analysis, roll spike, Sepak takraw, sports biomechanics.
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