Motor abilities of students with specific learning disabilities and a student of regular development
Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)
Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)
Motor abilities of students with specific learning disabilities and a student of regular development
The timely development of motor abilities contributes to the overall development of students, but due to various
potential problems, there are often deviations that can aff ect the quality of daily movement. The aim of the research was
to assess the motor abilities of primary education students, and to determine signifi cant diff erences in individual motor
abilities with regard to the existence of a particular learning diffi culty or not. The research was conducted on a sample
of 101 students (47 students aged 9 years ± 6 months and 54 students aged 10 years ± 6 months). Standardized tests were
applied to assess motor abilities: repetitive strength, coordination, speed, explosive power of jumping, agility, fl exibility
and balance. The basic descriptive indicators were calculated, and the t-test for independent samples was used to determine
the signifi cance of diff erences in motor abilities with regard to the existence of specifi c learning diffi culties. Results:
Of the total sample, 75.25% were students without learning disabilities, and 24.75% with specifi c learning disabilities.
Students with no established learning diffi culties achieved signifi cantly better results in the variables that assess fl exibility
(AS1=60.43±18.90 vs.AS2=52.59±12.93; t=1.99; p=0.05 ), balance (AS1=114.51±107.29 vs. AS2=68.04±75.62;
t=2.07; p=0.04), explosive jumping power (AS1=147.09±23.24 vs. AS2=134.15±20.17; t=2.57; p=0.01) and coordination
(AS1=20.11±8.78 vs. AS2=26.97±11.84; t=-3.17; p=0.00) from students with specifi c learning diffi culties. Conclusion:
Students with specifi c learning diffi culties have less developed individual motor abilities than students with normal development,
which encourages thinking about whether it is necessary to adjust the evaluation criteria to their abilities.
Ključne riječi:
motor abilities, students, specific learning disabilities
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