Volume 14, Issue V (2024)

Siti Umi Khayatun Mardiyah, Hendra Setyawan, Ratko Pavlovic, Arief Darmawan, Nugroho Susanto, Zhanneta Kozina
This research explores the management of strengthening literacy culture in Physical Education (PE) 2013 Curriculum learning at Indonesia’s junior high school level, combines concurrent embedded model research, with quantitative methods as primary methods and qualitative methods as secondary methods. The quantitative research sample was 105 junior high school PE teacher respondents in eight provinces who represented descriptions of strengthening the literacy culture of PE learning in their respective schools. The qualitative sample consisted of 6 participants consisting of 2 principals, 3 curriculum representatives, and 1 senior middle school PE teacher. Quantitative data was taken using a 1-4 Likert scale questionnaire, while qualitative data was taken using semi-structured interviews. Quantitative data analysis uses descriptive statistics with the help of SPSS, while qualitative data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The quantitative research results show that planning to strengthen literacy culture in learning is included in the good category, with a score of 88.73%. This is supported by qualitative data, which states that the planning to strengthen the PE learning literacy culture has gone well. The implementation of strengthening literacy culture in learning is also in the good category, with a score of 87.08%. This is supported by qualitative data, which states that the implementation of strengthening PE learning literacy culture has been carried out and is going quite well. The assessment of strengthening literacy culture in learning is in a good category, with a score of 84.76%. This is supported by qualitative data, which states that the assessment of strengthening literacy culture in PE learning in the 2013 curriculum has gone well. Supporting factors for the implementation of strengthening literacy culture in PE learning in the 2013 curriculum from the aspects of planning, implementation, and assessment, namely: Availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure, a conducive learning atmosphere, the concept of implementing the 2013 curriculum, local government regulations that encourage school literacy movements, consistency of the head schools, the enthusiasm and skills of teaching staff , student motivation for literacy, as well as the implementation of comprehensive tests to measure student learning outcomes.

Ključne riječi: 
Management, Literacy Culture, PE, Curriculum 2013, Indonesia.
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