Factors Contributing to the Physical Fitness of Students in Islamic Boarding Schools: Sistematic Literature Review
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2024)
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2024)
Factors Contributing to the Physical Fitness of Students in Islamic Boarding Schools: Sistematic Literature Review
There are several studies that discuss the factors that affect physical fitness in general, but none have discussed
specifically about the factors that contribute to the physical fitness of students in Islamic boarding schools. The purpose of
this study was to find out what are the factors that contribute to the physical fitness of students in Islamic boarding schools.
The method used in this study is literature review using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
Analysis (PRISMA) method. Articles searched through Google Scholar and obtained 8 national articles. The results of 8
selected articles revealed that the factors that contribute to the physical fitness of students include internal and external
factors. Internal factors, including age, sex, genetics (heart capacity, posture, obeistas, hemoglobin and muscle fibers), intrinsic
motivation, physical activity, lifestyle (nutritional status and sleep quality). External factors, including facilities and
infrastructure (field, physical education teachers, curriculum, and trainers), and extrinsic motivation (Islamic boarding
school regulations, and Islamic boarding school support). Conclusion new findings in this study, that each Islamic boarding
school has differences based on rules or habits that cause differences in physical fitness factors that occur in students.
Islamic boarding schools that support their students to do physical activity tend to have good physical fitness, while Islamic
boarding schools that do not support their students to do physical activity are the main factors that cause lack of physical
fitness in students.
Ključne riječi:
Factors, Physical Fitness, Santri, Islamic Boarding School.
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