Volume 14, Issue V (2024)

Usha Panihar, Parul Sagwal, Shabnam Joshi
Volleyball is a game of high aerobic capacity, power, speed, agility, strength, fl exibility, and jumping. Pilates
exercise helps in improving muscle strength and fl exibility thus providing a player with skills of jumping, high aerobic
capacity, and better off ense and defense capabilities. The study aimed to evaluate the eff ect of Pilates exercises on various
fi tness parameters and volleyball sports-specifi c skills in volleyball players. University-level male volleyball players
(n=30) aging between 18-25 years were included and randomly allocated into two groups i.e. control group (n=15) who
performed only regular volleyball training, and the experimental group (n=15) who were given Pilates training in addition
to their regular volleyball training 3 times per week for 6 weeks. The outcome measures: balance, upper and lower
abdominal strength, agility, explosive power, and volleyball-specifi c skill tests, assessed at baseline and post-intervention.
The results showed signifi cant improvement within the control group for balance (In posterior reach and medial reach)
and volleyball-specifi c skills (Brady’s test), but other parameters did not revealed any statistical signifi cance diff erence.
Whereas, in the experimental group, signifi cant improvement was found for all tested parameters except balance in lateral,
anterior, posterior, anterolateral, anteromedial, and posterolateral directions. Also, there existed a statistically signifi cant
diff erence between both the groups for all tested parameters (p≤0.05). The study concluded that Pilates training helps in
improving physical parameters such as agility, explosive power, balance, upper and lower abdominal strength, and sportsspecifi
c skills of volleyball players.

Ključne riječi: 
Mat exercise, agility, balance, strength, explosive power.
Puni tekst: 
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