Volume 14, Issue V (2024)

Widha Srianto, Siswantoyo, Rumpis Agus Sudarko, Fauzi, Danang Wicaksono, Susanto Susan
Play activities are necessary in training children in karate to change the image that karate is a tough sport.
The concept of Coaching Game for Upgrading Performance Model 515 (CGFU PM-515) is very relevant for training children
because with this concept children think that they are playing but actually the child is practicing karate techniques.
The importance of conducting research to develop a CGFU-PM 515-based maegeri basic technique skill test instrument
consisting of skill, soft skill, and performance assessment elements because there has been no previous research related to
the preparation of these instruments. This research is development research, conducted with quantitative and qualitative
approaches. This research was conducted in three stages, the fi rst was by conducting a literature review, the second was
by conducting validity and reliability tests, and the third was validity data analysis using the V-Aiken formulation and reliability
testing with the intraclass correlation coeffi cient (ICC). Based on the results of the validity test and reliability test
of the maegeri basic technical skill test instrument has a high level of validity and has a good level of reliability, the results
of the validity test results using V-Aiken obtained the results of 0.99 and the reliability test using the intraclass correlation
coeffi cient test showed a score of 0.801. Thus, the CGFU-PM 515-based maegeri basic technical skill test instrument which
includes three aspects, namely soft skills, skills, and performance can be used.

Ključne riječi: 
CGFU-PM 515, Test Instrument, Karate, Maegeri, Validity and Reliability.
Puni tekst: 
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