Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference Improvement Via Tabata Workout: A 10-Week Repetition Program
Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)
Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)
Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference Improvement Via Tabata Workout: A 10-Week Repetition Program
Published scholarly works have accentuated the eff ectiveness of the TABATA workout for college students.
However, no studies were conducted on college students in the context of higher education institutions in the Philippines.
Ergo, this study aimed to assess the eff ectiveness of the TABATA workout for college students. Lastly, it aimed to investigate
if such a method may help to improve participants’ Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference. This investigation
employed an experimental approach to assessing the eff ectiveness of TABATA training for college students. Moreover,
students underwent a 10-week-long workout in repetition. The fi rst part is focused on collecting participants’ demographic
characteristics such as sex, age, BMI (pre- and post-test), and WC (pre- and post-test). In the second part, the Physical
Activity Readiness Questionnaire was used. Paired samples t-test was also used to determine the signifi cant variance after
10-weeks based on participants’ BMI and WC scores After the 10-week exercise performed by the participants in general,
it was found that there is a reduction and improvement on participants’ BMI. Additionally, an improvement in participants’
WC. However, based on sex, no signifi cant variance in males’ BMI. Fascinatingly, an improvement was observed in the WC
of both sexes. Based on the fi ndings, participating in the TABATA program is eff ective and may partially improve students’
BMI and enhance WC. This study did not take into account other factors which may also aff ect the result of this study.
Therefore, comparable experiments may be conducted while taking into account other variables aforementioned to this
study’s limitation.
Ključne riječi:
Body Mass Index, College students, HIIT, Tabata Workout Exercise, Waist Circumference
Puni tekst:
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