Age as an Indicator of Sports Success

Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)

Age as an Indicator of Sports Success
Edvinas Tenikaitis, Luka Androja

This paper examines the relationship between age and sports success, exploring whether age can serve as a
reliable indicator of an athlete‘s performance and achievements in various sports disciplines. The fi ndings and insights
presented in this paper can be benefi cial to several groups, including sports coaches, talent scouts, sports psychologists,
and researchers in the fi eld of sports science. By understanding the role of age in sports success, these professionals can
make informed decisions regarding talent identifi cation, athlete development, and performance optimization. The paper
initially reviews existing literature on the topic, analyzing studies that have explored the relationship between age and
sports performance. It discusses both physiological and psychological factors that can infl uence an athlete‘s success at
diff erent stages of their career. Additionally, it examines the impact of age-related changes, such as declining physical
abilities and increased injury risks, on an athlete‘s performance and longevity in sports. To improve this paper, several
changes can be implemented. First, expanding the number of references and citations will enhance the paper‘s credibility
and provide a broader perspective on the topic. By incorporating studies from diff erent researchers and sources, the paper
can present a comprehensive analysis of age as an indicator of sports success. Additionally, the paper can benefi t from
including more empirical research, moving beyond a review paper to incorporate original studies and data analysis. This
would strengthen the paper‘s argument and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the fi eld. For other authors
writing on the same topic, it is recommended to focus on the following areas for improvement. Firstly, ensuring a thorough
review of the literature, covering relevant studies and research papers, will enhance the depth and breadth of the paper.
Secondly, conducting original research or including empirical studies will contribute to the scientifi c understanding of age
and sports success. This can involve collecting data from diff erent sports disciplines, analyzing performance metrics, and
evaluating the impact of age-related factors on athlete outcomes. So, this paper investigates the relationship between age
and sports success, providing insights that can assist various stakeholders in the sports industry.

Ključne riječi: 
sports success, chronological age, biological age, athlete
Puni tekst: 

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