Volume 14, Issue V (2024)

Velibor Srdić
The research was conducted on a sample of 84 respondents - young dancers of both sexes aged 11- 16 years with the aim of determining global quantitative changes in morphological characteristics, motor, and functional abilities under the influence of an experimen- tal program in junior dance. The sample of respondents consisted of young dancers from Dance Club “Gemma” Banja Luka, Dance Club “City Jazz” Banja Luka, Dance Club “Bolero” Banja Luka and Dance Club “Orion” Pale. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups, an experimental group (N = 44) with whom a three-month experimental program was implemented and a control group (N = 40) who trained according to a standard dance program. The research used 15 morphological variables, 8 motor variables, 7 functional variables and 1 variable used to assess the level of success in performing specific movement structures in dance so that together they form a battery of 31 measuring instruments. The results of multi- variate discriminant analysis were used to determine the global quantitative changes of applied variables in sub- jects of the experimental and control groups in the initial and final measurements. The obtained results of the dis- criminant analysis in the final measurement indicate that the applied three-month experimental program consisting of a proprioceptive program (exercises on a balance board and exercises on a trampoline) and a program with a screw in junior dance caused statistically significant changes at the global level (p=0.000). The obtained research results can serve as a significant orientation in better program- ming, implementation, and management of the training process in dance with young dancers.

dance, subjects, experimental group, con- trol group, morphological characteristics, motor abili- ties, functional abilities.
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