Volume 14, Issue V (2024)

Jovica Dimić, Milan Nešić, Zlatko Ahmetović
In the sports domain karate gains popular- ity of enormous proportions. Judging by the massive- ness criterion, it is ranked immediately behind football. However, this ranking is not in accordance with the ap- propriate organizational concept, that would have vis- ible integrative feature. The problem of organizational and stylistic dissociation is transferred onto the national level, which causes the presence of a variety of competi- tive disciplines, the way of organization, an appropriate training approach, various interpretations of the basic ka- rate principles etc. Although such situation may create, to some extent, an illusion of positive sides (the possibility of training selection, larger number of stylistic varieties for training relatively “different“ forms of karate etc.) which is reflected on the massiveness, in organizational and con- ceptual context (basically of one skill) makes the problems in creating an effective concept of karate management. In this respect, various concepts of karate organization can be noticed, based on stylistic determinations. One of the autonomous organizational karate forms is The World Fu- dokan Federation - WFF, with its national federations as integral and constituent parts. Its basic concept is oriented towards the fostering of the traditional approach to karate (traditional karate do), i.e. fostering the traditional karate principles, established by the founder of the modern karate Gichin Funakoshi. As the organization, which, condition- ally speaking, is an ideological antipode to the so-called sports karate, it endeavors to affirm and preserve the basic karate values and adjust them to modern sports and so- cial tendencies. In this respect, it faces numerous organi- zational, sports-political, conceptual and other problems, induced by the external environment, but may be overcome by the activities and tendencies generated within the in- ternal domain of Fudokan Karate organization. Empirical research, carried out in the form of transversal study, was aimed at the identification of some facts of internal organi- zational domain of Fudokan, which may have positive im- pact on its development in the upcoming five-year-period, and are perceived by the main Fudokan karate holders (in- structors and trainers). The respondent sample comprised 73 instructors/trainers as the main activity holders in the clubs. The research was in the form of a survey and the key research instrument was a questionnaire devised as an estimation scale. The results have proved that the greatest potential for Fudokan development in the future belongs to the factors of Internal domain – Organizational structure, Organizational culture and Organizational resources, with the high level of possible impact.

Fudokan, domain, development
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